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The NFL draft goes virtual, Nacho Libre goes viral

The NFL draft goes virtual, Nacho Libre goes viral

Every underdog knows that if you want to get noticed, you have to stand out – especially when your NFL pro day gets canceled. 

With no scouts calling his name, no agent and an undersized resume – Crandall Maines, former Jacksonville University football player, knows his only chance at making an NFL roster by August, is by doing something bold – doing his pro day as Nacho Libre

Nacho Libre - Crandall Maines - 2020 - Blog - DWCo.jpg

That’s when things went viral.

The video exploded on social media channels with more than 30,000 view combined, a segment on NBC2 News with Sean Barie and an interview with ESPN JAX 690 with hosts Brent Martineau and Austen Lane, all in the first week.

He reached out to me and asked “how can we make this as funny as possible?” He’d already locked in the Nacho Libre idea. It felt like a hit. A week later, it looked like one.  

NFL organizations don’t draft talent, they draft ticket sales.  We built our entire strategy around audience. Seems  like a lot for a funny joke? Just remember – prior planning prevents poor performance. 

That extended to the release, too. Crandall had great media connections – and he reached out. I helped him put together his combined media audience – those influencers, as well as key social media accounts.  

Crandall is still waiting to hear if a team wants him on their roster, but without the video – he’d be submitting his retirement papers too early. 

He even gives DWCo. credit for the awesome video that got his name out in the draft pool. To that we say good luck in your quest.

“It is true. I am Nacho. Maybe you have seen me on TV. NACHOOOOOOOOOO!” 

1 – Philip’s radio shower

1 – Philip’s radio shower

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